Will Writers (Lancashire and Cumbria)


Standard Single Will ~ £99

For an individual instruction.

Standard Double Will ~ £149

For a couple's instruction.

Premium Single Will ~ £196

Includes Memorandum of Wishes (M.O.W), A.D. & General Power of Attorney (G.P.A).

Premium Double Will ~ £392

Includes Memorandum of Wishes (M.O.W), A.D. & General Power of Attorney (G.P.A).

Extra Bound Will ~ £30 each

Additional Will Services

Each additional Copy of Unbound Copy of Will

Single £10 | Double £20

Memorandum of Wishes (MOW)

Single £35 | Double £70

Advanced Decision (Adv Dec)

Single £75 | Double £150

General Power of Attorney (GPA)

Single £75 | Double £150

Severance of Tenancy

£75 per property

Lifetime Interest in Property trust

Single £75 | Double £150

Annual Will Storage

£30 annually

Lifetime Will Storage


Protective Will Property Trust. Includes 2 x Lifetime Interest in Property Trust, 1 x Severance of Tenancy


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